On my site I am using localStorage so when a User selects a theme it then applies said theme to the relevant pages.
now this works for each individual user, however if you logout of account 1 and login with account 2 on the same device it applies it to all other accounts logged into that device.
Furthermore when the theme has been applied if I was to login on a different device it still shows the default theme?
how would I have it only affect the specific account and have the theme choice shared across devices?
Down below is the Codepen and full code:
However Please go to Codepen to see the script I was unable to upload the code correctly parts of the formatting are being ignored.
Codepen: https://codepen.io/Elixble/pen/RwzZaWB
Follow this link to see the corresponding .php page: https://codepen.io/Elixble/pen/RNbxZvz?editors=1000
Extra challenge: Just being a bit cheeky but the Aux theme is meant to be animated but I dont know how to get gifs to play in the background so feel free to see if you can.