I am trying to add a html form to my website that allows for users to select an option from data in my database multiple times, save it as a variable then display the options selected onto the ...
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Opencart 2,3,0,2, Journal 3 I checked journal/skin/checkout telephone as required. (If I do hidden, it works but required is not) catalog/controller/account/register.php I have solved checking telephone number 10 digit and only numeric with the code below: if ( (utf8_strlen($this->request->post['telephone']) < 9) ...
Package has been abandoned, updating citco/carbon and nesbot/carbon to ‘^2.0’ requires illuminate/support ‘^6.20’ and illuminate/config ‘^6.20’ but servocoder/richfilemanager-php only supports up to v5.8 of those packages. I am upgrading to php7.4 and symfony4 with composer2 I have found these options so ...