I want to crawl some specific values (e.g.newstext) from a website (which is not my own).
is not working, propably blocked by php.ini.
So i tried to do it with curl, problem is:
All I get is the redirection text from cloudflare.
My crawler should do something like:
go to page -> wait the 5secs cloudflare redirect -> curl the page.
Any ideas how to crawl the page after the cloudfare waiting time? (in PHP)
edit: so i tried a lot of things, problem is still the same..
more specific: it only crawls the cloudflare redirect page. (so i’m getting a page which redirects to the host, cloudflare is in front. when i curl on localhost it takes localhost, so redirect is obv not working.)
Is there no way to start saving returend data after 5secs “curling”?