You need to extract only the token part (after the |) when using findToken()
Can you use this updated code?
use Laravel\Sanctum\PersonalAccessToken;
class AuthCheck
* Handle an incoming request.
* @param \Closure(\Illuminate\Http\Request): (\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response) $next
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
// Extract the token from the request header or input
$fullToken = "11|QC3NXdRq8mPUCVeAttMv8XxXoDTysRwRxLnfB6YLafcf585"; // Example token
[$tokenId, $token] = explode('|', $fullToken, 2); // Separate the ID and the raw token
// Find the token using the raw token
$tokenInstance = PersonalAccessToken::findToken($token);
if (!$tokenInstance) {
return response()->json(['message' => 'Token not found', 'token' => $token], 401);
return $next($request);
Check app/Http/Kernel.php for:
'api' => [